venerdì 7 agosto 2015

Notizie dal Feuerstein Institute: New Study by the Feuerstein Cognitive Rehabilitation Center Team!

It is with great pleasure that we share the following article, written by the Feuerstein Institute's Cognitive Rehabilitation Center (CRC) team! This fascinating study expounds upon the work performed by the CRC and the role that the Feuerstein Method plays in rehabilitating individuals who have suffered Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). A must read for clinicians who work with patients recovering from brain injury, or anyone seeking help for their loved ones.


This article presents the work carried out at the Feuerstein Institute in Jerusalem with people who have suffered Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Over the last decade 105 people suffering from ABI have been treated: 61 people after a traumatic brain injury, 20 people after cerebrovascular accident, 11 after anoxic brain damage, 9 after brain tumours and 4 suffering from ABI, due to different diseases. The neurocognitive rehabilitation approach is based on Reuven Feuerstein’s theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM). The theoretical and practical aspects of working with this population are expounded, and examples of treatment descriptions based on case studies are included.
We will explain the special value of working in the dynamic neurocognitive rehabilitation approach with the population of Acquired Brain Injured clients after they have completed the hospitalized rehabilitation phase.

per leggere l'articolo: 

Notizie dal Feuerstein institute: The Method in Action at the Ben Yakir Youth Village

The Ben Yakir Youth Village, located near Hadera, is home to adolescent boys from disadvantaged backgrounds. The majority of these teens come from poverty stricken families and broken homes. For many, the youth village is their last opportunity to turn their lives around and learn the skills required to integrate into Israeli society.
Two years ago, the school began implementation of the Feuerstein Method. When we began, the boys had great difficulty sitting still in the classroom, let alone paying attention to class instruction. 
Two years later – we have seen a tremendous turnaround in their behavior and academic ability. The students no matriculate at the same rate as the teens in normative schools throughout the country.
The best news of all was just shared with us by the youth village director – the graduating seniors have taken their psychotechnic (entrance exam) for the Israeli Air Force. On average, the Ben Yakir Youth Village students scored a 5.3 – well above the national average of 4!

Notizie dal Feuerstein institute

On Monday, August 3 2015 
Feuerstein Institute president Rabbi Rafi Feuerstein was part of a delegation of Jewish and Muslim religious leaders who convened outside the Department of Pediatric Intensive Care at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, to pray for the well-being of the victims of the terror attack in the Palestinian village of Duma Friday morning, including Ahmed Dawabsha, the four-year-old child who was seriously burned.

Napoli, Corso PAS Basic Primo livello con Crediti ECM

Corso di formazione al programma di arricchimento strumentale P.A.S. Basic 1° livello – Metodo FeuersteinNAPOLI
2-3-4 ottobre 2015 +  13-14-15 novembre 2015

50 Crediti ECM
Corso a numero chiuso (25 partecipanti) - Scadenza iscrizioni 2 settembre 2015

Durata Il corso P.A.S. Basic – 1° livello prevede 45 ore totali di formazione in sede; il docente garantisce inoltre 12 ore di supervisione e coaching online

Destinatari con crediti ECM (50 crediti) 

Medici (Medicina fisica e riabilitazione, Neurologia, Neuropsichiatria infantile, Pediatria, Psichiatria, Medicina generale, Otorinolaringoiatria, Audiologia e foniatria, Privo di specializzazione)
Psicologi, Logopedisti, Educatori prof., Terapisti occupazionali,  TNPEE, Terapisti della Riabilitazione, Tecnici della Riabilitazione psichiatrica

Altri destinatari (no ECM) Insegnanti, operatori socio-sanitari, etc. La formazione è rivolta inoltre a quanti operano in ambito psico-pedagogico, sociale, formativo ed educativo

Docente  Dott.ssa M. Luisa Boninelli – Formatrice Accreditata e Autorizzata alla Formazione, vicepresidente del Centro Internazionale sulle Metodologie Educative CISME
per info:;

Attivazione corsi di Formazione periodo Settembre-Dicembre

Carissimi lettori, 
vi comunico i prossimi corsi sul Programma di Arricchimento strumentale che sono stati programmati fino alla fine del 2015. 

Pompei (Na): Pas Basic Primo livello crediti ECM 50
date: 2-3-4 Ottobre; 13-14-15 Novembre 

Firenze, PAS Standard Primo Livello. Crediti ECM 50
Date: 8-9 Ottobre; 6-7 Novembre; 11-12 Dicembre 

Cagliari: Pas Standard Primo Livello Nuova edizione
Date: 16-17-18 Ottobre; 20-21-22 Novembre 

Mantova: Pas Basic Primo livello
date: 23-24-25 Ottobre; 27-28-29 Novembre 

Catania: Pas Standard Primo livello
date: 4-5-6 Dicembre; 18-19-20 Dicembre e 28 Dicembre 

Durata dei corsi: 45 ore per ciascun livello.
Per informazioni riguardo ai costi e modalità di iscrizione potete inviare una mail a
grazie a quanti vorranno diffondere tale notizia.